11 research outputs found

    Design of a six degree-of-freedom haptic hybrid platform manipultor

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Izmir, 2010Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 97-103)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxv, 115 leavesThe word Haptic, based on an ancient Greek word called haptios, means related with touch. As an area of robotics, haptics technology provides the sense of touch for robotic applications that involve interaction with human operator and the environment. The sense of touch accompanied with the visual feedback is enough to gather most of the information about a certain environment. It increases the precision of teleoperation and sensation levels of the virtual reality (VR) applications by exerting physical properties of the environment such as forces, motions, textures. Currently, haptic devices find use in many VR and teleoperation applications. The objective of this thesis is to design a novel Six Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) haptic desktop device with a new structure that has the potential to increase the precision in the haptics technology. First, previously developed haptic devices and manipulator structures are reviewed. Following this, the conceptual designs are formed and a hybrid structured haptic device is designed manufactured and tested. Developed haptic device.s control algorithm and VR application is developed in Matlab© Simulink. Integration of the mechanism with mechanical, electromechanical and electronic components and the initial tests of the system are executed and the results are presented. According to the results, performance of the developed device is discussed and future works are addressed

    İki serbestlik dereceli mekanizmalarla işlev sentezinde tasarım noktalarının eşit ve Çebişev aralıklandırması ile seçiminin karşılaştırılması

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    Bu çalışmada iki serbestlik dereceli düzlemsel beş-kol mekanizması için işlev sentez problemi en küçük kareler yöntemi ile ele alınmıştır. Çok serbestlik dereceli mekanizmanın sentez problemi, analitik olarak ifade edilmiş ve mekanizmanın görev fonksiyonu belirlenmiştir. Tek serbestlik dereceli mekanizmaların işlev sentezi probleminde yaklaşım işlevi polinom şeklinde olmadığı halde Çebişev aralıklandırmasının diğer aralıklandırma seçeneklerine nispeten daha iyi sonuç verdiği bilinmekte ve işlev sentezinde tasarım noktalarının seçimi bir girdi değişkenli problemler için Çebişev aralıklandırması kullanılmaktadır. Bu sebeple bu çalışmada çok serbestlik dereceli mekanizmaların işlev sentezinde de Çebişev aralıklandırmasının etkisi araştırılmıştır. İki serbestlik dereceli düzlemsel beş-kol mekanizması ile iki girdili bir fonksiyonun aynı tanım kümesi için eşit aralıklandırma ve Çebişev aralıklandırması ile seçilen aynı sayıdaki tasarım noktaları ile iki ayrı çözüm yapılmış ve hata değerleri üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır

    Integration of the hybrid-structure haptic interface: HIPHAD v1.0

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    Design, manufacturing, integration and initial test results of the 6-DoF haptic interface, HIPHAD v1.0, are presented in this paper. The hybrid haptic robot mechanism is composed of a 3-DoF parallel platform manipulator, R-Cube, for translational motions and a 3-DoF serial wrist mechanism for monitoring the rotational motions of the handle. The device is capable of displaying point-type of contact since only the R-Cube mechanism is actuated. The dimensions and the orientation of the R-Cube mechanism are reconfigured to comply with the requirements of the haptic system design criteria. The system has several advantages such as relatively trivial kinematical analysis, compactness and high stiffness. The integration of the system along with its mechanism, data acquisition card (DAQ), motor drivers, motors, position sensors, and computer control interface are outlined.Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant within the 7th European Community Framework Programm

    Function generation synthesis of planar 5R mechanism

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    This paper deals with the function generation problem for a planar five-bar mechanism. The inputs to the mechanism are selected as one of the fixed joints and the mid-joint, whereas the remaining fixed joint represents the output. Synthesis problem of the five-bar mechanism is analytically formulated and an objective function is expressed in polynomial form. Function generation synthesis is performed with equal spacing and Chebyshev approximation method. The four unknown construction parameters and the error are evaluated by means of five design points and the coefficients of the objective function are determined by numerical iteration using four stationary and one moving design point. Stationary points are placed at the boundaries of the motion and the moving point is re-selected at each iteration as the point corresponding to the extremum error. Iterations are repeated until the values are stabilized. The stabilization usually occurs at the third iteration. By this method, the maximum error values are approximately equated, hence the total error is bounded at certain limits. Finally the construction parameters of the mechanism are determined

    Design of a haptic device for teleoperation and virtual reality systems

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    IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC 2009; San Antonio, TX; United States; 11 October 2009 through 14 October 2009Haptics technology has increased the precision and telepresence of the teleoperation and precision of the in-house robotic applications by force and surface information feedback. Force feedback is achieved through sending back the pressure and force information via a haptic device as the information is created or measured at the point of interest. In order to configure such a system, design, analysis and production processes of a haptic device, which is suitable for that specific application, becomes important. Today, haptic devices find use in assistive surgical robotics and most of the teleoperation systems. These devices are also extensively utilized in simulators to train medical and military personnel. The objective of this work is to design a haptic device with a new structure that has the potential to increase the precision of the robotic operation. Thus, literature is reviewed and possible robot manipulator designs are investigated to increase the precision in haptics applications. As a result of the investigations, conceptual designs are developed. Ultimately, final design is selected and produced after it is investigated in computer-aided- design (CAD) environment and its kinematic and structural analyses are carried out

    Design of a six degree-of-freedom haptic hybrid platform manipultor

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Izmir, 2010Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 97-103)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxv, 115 leavesThe word Haptic, based on an ancient Greek word called haptios, means related with touch. As an area of robotics, haptics technology provides the sense of touch for robotic applications that involve interaction with human operator and the environment. The sense of touch accompanied with the visual feedback is enough to gather most of the information about a certain environment. It increases the precision of teleoperation and sensation levels of the virtual reality (VR) applications by exerting physical properties of the environment such as forces, motions, textures. Currently, haptic devices find use in many VR and teleoperation applications. The objective of this thesis is to design a novel Six Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) haptic desktop device with a new structure that has the potential to increase the precision in the haptics technology. First, previously developed haptic devices and manipulator structures are reviewed. Following this, the conceptual designs are formed and a hybrid structured haptic device is designed manufactured and tested. Developed haptic device.s control algorithm and VR application is developed in Matlab© Simulink. Integration of the mechanism with mechanical, electromechanical and electronic components and the initial tests of the system are executed and the results are presented. According to the results, performance of the developed device is discussed and future works are addressed

    İki serbestlik dereceli mekanizmalarla işlev sentezinde tasarım noktalarının eşit ve Çebişev aralıklandırması ile seçiminin karşılaştırılması

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    Bu çalışmada iki serbestlik dereceli düzlemsel beş-kol mekanizması için işlev sentez problemi en küçük kareler yöntemi ile ele alınmıştır. Çok serbestlik dereceli mekanizmanın sentez problemi, analitik olarak ifade edilmiş ve mekanizmanın görev fonksiyonu belirlenmiştir. Tek serbestlik dereceli mekanizmaların işlev sentezi probleminde yaklaşım işlevi polinom şeklinde olmadığı halde Çebişev aralıklandırmasının diğer aralıklandırma seçeneklerine nispeten daha iyi sonuç verdiği bilinmekte ve işlev sentezinde tasarım noktalarının seçimi bir girdi değişkenli problemler için Çebişev aralıklandırması kullanılmaktadır. Bu sebeple bu çalışmada çok serbestlik dereceli mekanizmaların işlev sentezinde de Çebişev aralıklandırmasının etkisi araştırılmıştır. İki serbestlik dereceli düzlemsel beş-kol mekanizması ile iki girdili bir fonksiyonun aynı tanım kümesi için eşit aralıklandırma ve Çebişev aralıklandırması ile seçilen aynı sayıdaki tasarım noktaları ile iki ayrı çözüm yapılmış ve hata değerleri üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır

    Function generation synthesis of spherical 5R mechanism with regional spacing and Chebyshev approximation

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    The Chebyshev approximation is well known to be applicable for the approximation of single input–single output functions by means of a function generator mechanism. The approximation method may be also applied to multi-input functions, although until recently, it was not used for function generation with multi-degrees-of-freedom mechanisms. In a recent study, the authors applied the approximation method to a two-degrees-of-freedom mechanism for the first time, however the selection and iteration of the design points at which the errors were minimized were not satisfactory. In this study, an alternative method of selection and iteration for these design points is introduced and the corresponding spacing is called the “regional spacing”. As a case study for the application of the approximation of multi-input functions, a spherical 5R mechanism is used to generate a two input-single-output function. The input joints of the mechanism are selected as one of the fixed joints and the moving mid-joint, whereas the remaining fixed joint represents the output. The synthesis problem is analytically formulated and presented in polynomial form for five and six unknown parameters. The synthesis problem for five unknown parameters is illustrated as a numerical example. Regional spacing is used for the selection and iteration of design points for the synthesis. The Chebyshev approximation along with the Remez algorithm is utilized to find the unknown construction parameters and the error of the function. The design points and the coefficients of the approximation polynomial are determined by numerical iteration using six moving points. At each iteration step, the design points are relocated at the extremum error points in their respective regions. Iterations are repeated until the magnitudes of the extremum point errors are approximately equal. Finally, the construction parameters of the mechanism are determined and the variation of the percentage error between the desired and generated function values is obtained

    Development of an R-CUBE based general purpose haptic device system

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    ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA2010; Istanbul; Turkey; 12 July 2010 through 14 July 2010A novel 6-Degree-of-Freedom (DoF) hybrid haptic device is presented in this paper. Hybrid mechanism consists of parallel kinematic structure, R-CUBE and a 3-DoF orientation mechanism. In our previous study, the original configuration of the R-CUBE mechanism was investigated. In this work, the original design of R-CUBE is reconfigured as a haptic mechanism and the final mechanism is reoriented in order to equally distribute the gravitational effects to all grounded actuators. Rotational motions of the end-effector are monitored through the 3-DoF orientation mechanism placed on the moving platform of the parallel platform. The design of this haptic device is suitable to reflect forces in translational motions, thus point-type of contact is available for this system. The designed device is manufactured utilizing various types of manufacturing processes, such as wire erosion, laser cutting, milling and turning. Finally manufactured mechanism is integrated with electromechanical components and tested for manipulability

    Function generation synthesis of planar 5R mechanism

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    This paper deals with the function generation problem for a planar five-bar mechanism. The inputs to the mechanism are selected as one of the fixed joints and the mid-joint, whereas the remaining fixed joint represents the output. Synthesis problem of the five-bar mechanism is analytically formulated and an objective function is expressed in polynomial form. Function generation synthesis is performed with equal spacing and Chebyshev approximation method. The four unknown construction parameters and the error are evaluated by means of five design points and the coefficients of the objective function are determined by numerical iteration using four stationary and one moving design point. Stationary points are placed at the boundaries of the motion and the moving point is re-selected at each iteration as the point corresponding to the extremum error. Iterations are repeated until the values are stabilized. The stabilization usually occurs at the third iteration. By this method, the maximum error values are approximately equated, hence the total error is bounded at certain limits. Finally the construction parameters of the mechanism are determined